Blender预设 Smartify Nodes V1.04:智能特效材质预设资产
在3D渲染和建模领域,创造逼真的材质效果对于制作高质量的图像和动画至关重要。而Blender预设 Smartify Nodes V1.04正是一款为Blender用户提供了智能特效材质预设资产的工具,可轻松添加各种环境效果,为您的PBR(Physically-Based Rendering)材质注入生动的细节,同时提供了一系列的基础模块,助您快速创建自己的智能材质。

Smartify Nodes V1.04的主要特点包括:
- 拖放式解决方案:您只需轻松将库中的智能特效拖放到您的材质上,即可立即应用各种环境效果,如苔藓、雪、灰尘、沙子、漏水、水坑、落叶、边缘磨损、外星生长等等。您还可以在几次点击内自定义它们的参数,以满足不同的创作需求。
- 可自定义特效:您可以通过简单地切换库中的Shader和纹理,或使用自己的Shader和纹理,创建任何其他环境效果。Smartify Nodes V1.04为您提供了创建自己的智能特效和材质的建设模块,包括智能遮罩(Facing、Location、Ao、Edges、Leaking等)和智能工具(Anti-tile、Parallax Mapping、Random-per-object等)。
- 顶点颜色掩膜:所有特效还可以通过在顶点颜色上绘制(或更准确地说是使用图像纹理),使用红色去除、绿色强制执行,黑色则保持智能遮罩的操作。
- 广泛的Blender版本支持:Smartify Nodes V1.04兼容多个Blender版本,包括Blender 3.1至Blender 4.0,确保了用户在不同的Blender环境中都能使用这一功能强大的预设。
Smartify Nodes V1.04是一款强大的工具,可以大大提高您的Blender工作流程,帮助您轻松添加各种材质效果,使您的渲染更加真实和引人入胜。
A drag-&-drop solution to add environmental effects to your PBR materials, and the building blocks to kickstart your own smart materials.Pick one of the smart effects in the library, and drop-it on any of your materials. You can add moss, snow, dust, sand, leaks, water puddles, dead leaves, edge-wear, alien-growth ect.. And of course customize their parameters in a few clicks. Or create any other environmental effect by simply switching Shaders/textures with other ones in the Smartify library, or with your own.You can also quickly create from scratch smart-effects/materials using the building blocks of Smartify in the library, smart masks like Facing, location, Ao, edges, leaking, and smart utilities like anti-tile, paralax mapping, random-per-object.All effects can also be masked by painting on the vertex colors (or more precisely with an image texture), red will remove, green will force, and black will leave the smart masks operate.
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