Beauty Box OFX 5.0.10插件:视频人像磨皮润肤新境界
Beauty Box OFX 5.0.10插件是一款数字化妆的视频磨皮润肤插件,采用先进的人脸检测和平滑算法,能够在后期制作中为肌肤添加数字化妆效果。它有效地解决了在高清和4K视频中可能出现的皮肤和妆容问题,迅速、真实地应用数字化妆,使您的演员看起来美不胜收,而又不至于显得过度空灵或模糊。
Beauty Box OFX能够自动识别肤色并去除瑕疵,就像数字化妆一样,同时保留重要的面部细节清晰。视频编辑和艺术家们不再需要手动创建蒙版或逐帧进行修饰。无论是用于影片、广告还是音乐视频制作,如Park Road Post Production、NBC和环球音乐等公司,Beauty Box都是让人在视频中展现最佳状态的强大工具。

- 数字化妆效果: Beauty Box OFX通过引入数字化妆的手法,能够在视频中为人像添加磨皮和润肤效果,使肌肤看起来更加完美。
- 智能人脸检测: 插件采用先进的人脸检测算法,自动识别面部肤色,实现精准磨皮,不再需要手动干预。
- 细节保留: 保留重要的面部细节,避免过度处理,使得磨皮效果更加自然。
- Davinci Resolve 达芬奇
- Assimilate Scratch
- Nuke
- Sony Vegas 12及更高版本
- 其他支持OpenFX的软件
Beauty Box OFX 5.0.10插件是任何需要呈现出最佳状态的制作的强大工具,为视频中的人像带来全新的磨皮润肤体验。
Beauty Box Video skin retouching plugin acts as digital makeup in post-production by incorporating state-of-the-art face detection and smoothing algorithms. It takes the edge off of skin and makeup problems that can be visible with HD and 4K video. Realistically and quickly applying digital makeup that makes your talent look great, without making them look airbrushed or blurry. Making for happy talent and producers.
Beauty Box automatically identifies the skin tones and removes imperfections, like digital makeup, while leaving important facial details sharp. Video editors and artists no longer have to manually create masks or retouch frame by frame. It’s used for features, commercials, and music videos by such companies as Park Road Post Production, NBC, and Universal Music. Beauty Box is a powerful tool for any production that requires people to look their best.
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