
- Blend格式中的70+耳环和穿孔珠宝模型
- Obj格式中的70+耳环和穿孔珠宝模型
- Fbx格式中的70+耳环和穿孔珠宝模型
- 准备好进行UV和贴图的模型
- 经典款
- 婚礼款
- 现代款
- 幻想款
- 古典款
- 时尚款
- 未来主义款
- 极简款
- 珠宝款
- 黄金款
- 银色款
- 钻石款
- 订婚款
- 角色设计
- 游戏设计
- 虚拟世界建设
- 动画
- 视觉特效等

"Elevate your jewelry designs to the next level with our 70+ Earrings and Piercing Jewelry Basemesh Collection. With a variety of unique styles and lowpoly options, you're sure to find the perfect fit for your next project. Discover the beauty and versatility of our jewelry basemesh today!"
In each project, many items required by the artists consist of repetitive and similar items. To increase the speed of each artist in all tasks and parts of the project, we need a library of suitable models for various purposes, such as creating high-poly or using as a low-poly
By this product you have:
- 70+ Earrings and Piercing Jewelry Models in Blend Format
- 70+ Earrings and Piercing Jewelry Models in Obj Format
- 70+ Earrings and Piercing Jewelry Models in Fbx Format
- Ready For UV and Texturing
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