Shy Bar 是您掌握 After Effects 时间线的关键。当您的项目充斥着大量图层时,这个强大的工具栏将成为您的得力助手。它让您轻松地筛选出混乱中的图层,只专注于对您最重要的图层。无论您是在为角色添加动画并希望专注于特定的肢体动作,还是处理大量文本图层,Shy Bar 都能确保您只看到最重要的内容。它是您实现流畅高效工作流的通行证,为您节省时间,让您的创造力得以展现。使用 Shy Bar,释放 After Effects 项目的全部潜力 - 在这里,精确与简洁相遇。

- 快速筛选图层: 轻松过滤和隐藏不需要的图层,专注于关键图层的操作。
- 提高效率: 让您在繁杂的图层中快速定位所需内容,节省时间和精力。
- 简单易用: 直观的界面设计和操作方式,使得任何人都能轻松上手。
- 支持多平台: 兼容 Windows 和 Mac 系统,满足不同用户的需求。
使用 Shy Bar,您可以更轻松地管理复杂的 After Effects 项目,提高工作效率,让创意得到更好的展现。
AE script, timeline operation, layer filtering, efficiency tool, animation tool
Shy Bar is your key to mastering After Effects timelines. When your project is bursting with layers, this powerful toolbar becomes your go-to ally. It lets you effortlessly filter through the clutter, focusing solely on the layers that matter most to you. Whether you’re animating a character and want to zero in on specific limb movements or dealing with a myriad of text layers, Shy Bar ensures you see only what’s essential. It’s your ticket to a streamlined, efficient workflow, saving you time and letting your creativity shine. Unleash the full potential of your After Effects projects with Shy Bar – where precision meets simplicity.
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