项目管理器(Project Manager)是一款针对3DS MAX的插件,旨在简化项目资产的管理流程。在任何3ds Max项目中,管理资产往往是最耗时的部分,包括访问、使用和创建场景、材质、纹理、IES灯光、代理、动画等。为了简化这些任务,让您更专注于创意的一面,KStudio推出了这款独特的插件。

- 快速访问与预览:通过项目管理器,您可以轻松访问、预览和利用3DS Max中的任何3D资产,大大提高了工作效率。
- 简化复杂任务:传统上耗时且重复的任务现在只需几次点击即可完成,大大缩短了工作时间,提高了生产效率。
- 直观易用的界面:项目管理器拥有突破性的界面设计和拖放功能,使其使用起来快速、简单且直观。
- 3DS MAX版本:兼容3DS MAX 2016 – 2025等多个版本。
Managing assets can often be the most time-consuming aspect of any 3ds Max project. And so can be the processes of accessing, using and creating scenes along with Materials, Textures, IES lights, Proxies, Animations, etc.To streamline these tasks and help focus on the creative side of the process, KStudio has created a unique plugin called Project Manager.3DS Max Project Manager from KStudio makes keeping track of your projects much easier.With just a few clicks, you can instantly access, preview and utilize any 3D Assets in 3ds Max. With Project Manager, laborious and repetitive tasks that often take days to complete will now require a small fraction of the usual time.Its groundbreaking interface and drag-and-drop features make Project Manager uniquely quick, easy and intuitive to use.
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