达芬奇电影叙事纪录片商业级色彩分级调色预设:The Voyager LUTs – Pro Pack

The Voyager LUTs – Pro Pack是一套专为DaVinci Resolve设计的高级色彩分级调色预设,包含17个专业的电影叙事、纪录片和商业广告色彩风格,旨在帮助视频创作者和调色师快速实现精美、具有工作室品质的创意外观。


  • 创意外观:提供17个DaVinci Wide Gamut的LUT,覆盖多种电影风格和商业需求。
  • 专业色彩科学:使用自定义色彩科学构建,确保外观不受损,超越传统色彩校正工具。
  • 色彩管理:确保按照适当的色彩管理工作流程进行项目分级。


  • 24种色调和调色板LUT:快速轻松创建精确外观。
  • PowerGrades:展示如何使用组件构建Voyager Essential包中的17个LUT。
  • 安装说明:包括最佳Resolve设置,确保LUT产生正确结果。
  • 迷你色彩分级课程:教授如何在这些LUT下使素材看起来令人惊叹。
  • 品鉴笔记PDF:包含每个LUT的详细描述和使用建议。


  • 电影叙事和纪录片:为叙事内容和纪录片提供电影风格外观。
  • 商业广告:为商业广告提供清晰、现代的外观。
  • 流媒体系列:适合Netflix或HBO系列的现代外观。


  • 易于使用:完整的安装说明和教程,简化使用过程。
  • 专业品质:帮助创作者提供促进职业发展的高端作品。

The Voyager LUTs – Pro Pack以其专业的电影级色彩分级调色预设,成为DaVinci Resolve用户在视频调色中的得力助手,特别适合追求专业色彩表现和快速工作流程的视频创作者。

The Voyager LUTs create beautiful studio-quality creative looks to help you grade faster so you can take your images further on every job and consistently deliver high-end work that can grow your career.

The Voyager LUT Pack comes with 17 LUTs for use in DaVinci Wide Gamut, from film-style looks for narrative and documentaries to clean looks for commercials and modern looks for Netflix or HBO series.

Even more, these LUTs are built with custom color science, not color correction tools, just like the LUTs used at major facilities by our industry's best-known names. This means the looks won't ever break and can help you achieve results you never could using only the tools in Resolve.

Want even more creative freedom? Grab the Pro Pack, which contains all 17 original Voyager LUTs plus the components I used to design them.

You'll receive 24 tone and palette LUTs to create the exact look you want quickly and easily, as well as PowerGrades showing how these components were used to build the 17 LUTs in the Voyager Essential pack.

Both the Essentials and Pro Pack come with:

  • The 17 Voyager LUTs, which work scene-referred in DaVinci Wide Gamut, ensuring you can grade your projects in a proper color-managed workflow – like a professional
  • Full installation instructions, including the best Resolve settings so your LUTs produce the right results
  • A mini color grading course to ensure you're equipped to make your footage look stunning underneath these LUTs, no matter what camera it was shot on.
  • A "Tasting Notes" pdf with full descriptions of each LUT, including what they do and ideal situations to use them in




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