当雪融化,萌芽的花朵露出来时,生命再次苏醒,充满感官。从声音上讲,春天是最丰富的季节之一,伴随着滴滴的雨水和鸟儿的交响乐 。Spring音效包,包含144组高清无损音质,适用于各类视频后期编辑软件,直接导入即可使用,利用大自然的声音来塑造你完美的作品。
When the snow melts and budding flowers are revealed, life comes alive again and fills the senses. Sonically speaking, spring is one of the most abundant seasons, with the drips of rain and the symphony of birds. Spring Sound package contains 144 sets of HD lossless sound quality, suitable for all kinds of video post editing software, direct import can be used, use the sound of nature to shape your perfect work.
音效关键词:背景,鸟类,树枝,微风,灌木,嗡嗡声,冷静,树冠,峡谷,唧唧喳喳,土狼,小溪,蟋蟀,乌鸦,碎片,沙漠,狗,鸽子,黄昏,苍蝇,森林,青蛙,鹅,蜂鸟,昆虫,湖边, 树叶, 哺乳动物, 迁徙, 飞蛾, 夜鸟, 猫头鹰, 野鸡, 松树, 草原, 雨, 季节性, 岸边, 松鼠, 微妙, 湿地, 风, 啄木鸟
Keywords for sound effects: Background, birds, branches, breeze, shrubs, buzz, calm, tree canopy, canyon, chirp, coyote, creek, cricket, crow, debris, desert, dog, dove, dusk, fly, forest, frog, goose, hummingbird, insect, Lakeside, foliage, mammals, migration, moths, night birds, owls, pheasants, pines, grasslands, rain, seasonal, shore, squirrels, subtlety, wetlands, wind, woodpeckers
适用系统:Windows 和 Mac 系统
码率: 24bit – 96kHz
百度网盘 提取码:memm